1. VR (Viva Retailer) : Newly enrolled IndusViva direct seller who can only retail. They are eligible only for the retail revenue.
2. VBO (Viva Business Owner) : IndusViva direct sellers from the rank of Star onwards. They are eligible for all types of revenues and bonuses on fulfilling the respective criteria.
3. DIRECT SELLER : VR or VBOs are combinedly known as direct sellers. It has the same meaning as mentioned in the Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules 2021.
4. CUSTOMER/CONSUMER : Person who is not a VR/VBO but buys IndusViva products through a VR/VBO’s store link.
5. STORE LINK : The link generated from the Virtual Office of the direct seller by clicking which a customer can place order for his/her choice of products.
6. UNIQUE CUSTOMER : A customer with unique mobile number, email id, address and bank account/ UPI/card/any other payment mode which do not match with another customer. This is applicable for all the revenues, bonuses, rank advancements, activation etc. where retail volume is one of the criteria.
7. RETAIL : Order placed/purchase made by a customer using store link of a direct seller.
8. DP : Direct Seller’s Price.
9. MRP : Maximum Retail Price
10. PV (Point Value) : It’s the volume of the product sold by a direct seller.
11. GV (Group Volume) : It’s the collective volume generated by a network/organization (revenues and bonuses are calculated based on turnover of GV & PV).
12. GBU (Global Bonus Unit) : Gross revenues are represented in GBU.
13. GROSS REVENUE : The sum of all types of revenues and bonuses (that are paid as money earned in a week).
14. AGGREGATED REVENUE : The sum of gross revenue earned from the 1st order week to the last paid week.
15. FIRST ORDER WEEK : The week in which the first retailing is done.
16. FIRST ORDER : Aggregate retail volume in 1st order week of a VR.
17. ACTIVE : Status of ID to be eligible for revenues, bonuses and other benefits. IDs get active through personal turnover generated through retail for 4 weeks or upgrading to presidential club.

18. ACTIVATION LEVEL  : The volume of PV generated in a direct seller’s ID through personal turnover within a cycle.

19. PERSONAL TURNOVER : Business volume generated through personal retailing by a direct seller or/and the first order of personally sponsored VR of a VBO.
20. ACTIVATED ID : An ID in which at least one retail order is placed.
21. SPONSOR : A VBO who personally enrolls a VR to his/her organization.
22. SENIOR ASSOCIATE : A VBO who is placed ahead in a genealogical hierarchy.
23. ASSOCIATE : A VBO who comes in referred VBO’s organization/genealogy.
24. CROSSLINE : A VBO who is from entirely different organization that of the referred VBO’s.
25. MONTH : A calendar month
26. CYCLE : Period of any consecutive 4 weeks 
27. WEEK OF CONTRACT : The week in which a VR agreed to the contract and got enrolled. Wherever, 1+1 or 1+2 week or similar usage for eligibility of any bonus/reward is mentioned, 1 is referred to the week of contract. 
28. COMPLIMENTARY PRODUCTS : The products given to a VBO as a bonus on fulfilling certain eligibility criteria where selling price shall be discounted and shipment charges shall be paid by the VBO within 3 cycles from the eligible week.
29. PAID AS RANK : Current week’s performance level
30. SALES ORDER HOLD : Restricting activities or denying access temporarily, usually during an internal investigation or legal dispute.

31. SUSPENDED : Restricting access to the ID due to inactivity of over 26 weeks as it is considered as resigned.

32. VACATED : Released the KYDS documents 
33. EXPIRED : Permanently removing the ID due to inactivity of 2 years from the last order or completion of 4 weeks from the week of contract without placing 1st order.
34. TERMINATED : ID blacklisted and permanently restricting access due to breach of contract.
35. RESIGNED : ID resigned by the direct seller for which the KYDS shall be released on completion of 13 weeks from the week of resignation.

36. BERTH ID : The new organizations generated parallel to 1st & 2nd organizations on achieving the Black Diamond Ambassador rank.


25 PV – 1 Unit Product
1 GBU – INR 100


First Order (DP) Reorder (DP) MRP
25 PV = INR 2,997.50 INR 2,497.50 INR 2,997.50
50 PV = INR 5,495.00 INR 4,995.00 INR 5,995.00
100 PV = INR 9,990.00 INR 9,990.00 INR 11,990.00
200 PV = INR 19,980.00 INR 19,980.00 INR 23,980.00

Billing shall be done on MRP. A handling charge of INR 100/- per unit shall be extra for all modes of delivery.


There are 7 ways of earning Revenue and 7 ways of earning Bonus with IndusViva.


1. Retail Revenue
2. Business Incubator Revenue
3. Dual Team Revenue
4. Rank Maintenance Revenue
5. Co-applicant Revenue
6. Single Team Revenue
7. Royalty


1. Business Opening Bonus
2. Digi Rockstar Bonus
3. Top Retailer Bonus
4. VOTM Bonus 
5. Presidential Club Bonus
6. Loyalty Bonus
7. Rewards



VR’s/VBO’s main work is to sell IndusViva’s products to customers/consumers. Online retail through e-Commerce store link allows you to earn revenue without purchasing the products with own investment. Commission can be earned without adjoining a single VR, by building a strong customer base. Each direct seller earns 20% of the DP* by selling at retail price to the customers/consumers. The personal volume from retail sales counts towards direct seller’s activity requirement.

*Minimum target is 100 PV to earn the full RR for 1st order
Retail Revenue is not available on the first 25 PV if the first order placed is below 100 PV
Note: Retail Revenue shall be eligible for orders placed through Virtual Office only if the ID is active


A VBO earns 20 GBU and 10 GBU on advancement of a personally sponsored VR to the rank of Star in 1+1 week and 1+2 week respectively.


A VBO shall be eligible for 10% of the balanced GV (5% of the sum of the balanced GV) of both organizations, except the first order of their immediate associates, as Dual Team Revenue. This shall have a capping at 2,500 GBU. The remaining GV at one organization after balancing shall be carried forward to the next week. Personally retailed volume exceeding 200 PV in a week will be spilled to the lesser side for DTR. If there is no team in both the organizations, then the spilled over volume shall get assigned to one of the organizations and in the subsequent week to the other organization, which would enable the VBO to get DTR for whatever volume balanced, without having any organization.
30,000 GV 27,000 GV 27,000 GV 4,500 (1st Org.) 2,500 GBU (Capping)
5,000 GV 3,000 GV 3,500 GV 1,500 (1st Org.) 350 GBU
1,000 GV 1,500 GV 1,000 GV 500 (2nd Org.) 100 GBU
25 GV 25 GV 25 GV -- 2.5 GBU
1st Organisation 2nd Organisation Balanced Group Volume Carried Forward Volume DTB Eligible


The carry forward limit for a VBO ranked Star 1000 or below is 10,000 GV. The Executive ranks* and above shall have a maximum carry forward GV equivalent to 10 times of their rank qualifying GV required in a week, combining both the organizations; maximum up to 5,00,000 GV. Only one side shall be carried forward.

VBOs up to Star 1000 10,000 GV
Ruby Executive 20,000 GV
Pearl Executive 50,000 GV
Emerald Executive 1,00,000 GV
Sapphire Executive 1,50,000 GV
Executive Diamond 2,00,000 GV
Executive Blue Diamond 3,00,000 GV
Executive Purple Diamond 4,00,000 GV
Executive White Diamond and above 5,00,000 GV
Note: Carry forward volume will be reset after flashing out the balanced GV beyond the capping limit on every Friday closing.

*The activity level of the respective rank should be maintained


Upon maintaining the paid as rank in the subsequent week of the qualifying*/requalifying** week, same as their achieved rank, a VBO shall be eligible to earn Rank Maintenance Revenue (RMR) from the rank of Ruby Executive.

On reaching the aggregate income criteria of the subsequent rank, if a VBO fails to advance to that rank, their RMR shall be lapsed. For an Executive White Diamond, on completing the aggregate income of 4,00,000 GBU and for Black Diamond Ambassador and above, on completing 5 years from the week of achieving the rank, RMR shall be expired, if they fail to advance to the next rank within that period.

*Qualifying -The week in which the rank is achieved.
**Requalifying – The week in which the rank is maintained after once missed.
Ranks Week 1 Week 2
Ruby Executive QFN/RQN 50 GBU
Pearl Executive QFN/RQN 100 GBU
Emerald Executive QFN/RQN 150 GBU
Sapphire Executive QFN/RQN 200 GBU
Executive Diamond QFN/RQN 250 GBU
Executive Blue Diamond QFN/RQN 300 GBU
Executive Purple Diamond QFN/RQN 350 GBU
Executive White Diamond QFN/RQN 400 GBU
Black Diamond Ambassador QFN/RQN 500 GBU
Royal Black Diamond Ambassador QFN/RQN 1,000 GBU
Imperial Black Diamond Ambassador QFN/RQN 1,500 GBU
Crown Black Diamond Ambassador QFN/RQN 2,500 GBU


Upon achieving Executive Diamond Rank, a VBO shall be eligible for 500 GBU as Co-applicant Revenue every month for a period of 1 year, provided that the VBO maintains the paid as rank, same as that of the achieved rank, at least in one bonus week of a month. If any month/months lapse, subsequent month/months shall be counted. If a VBO advances to the next rank before the tenure of current Co-applicant Revenue expires, they only need to maintain the paid as criteria for the previous rank to avail the Co-applicant Revenue until the 12 revenues are received. It is exclusively paid to the co-applicant*. The Co-applicant Revenue period shall be extended on rank advancement.
* Co-applicant must be default co-applicant. Eligibility to a non-default co-applicant is subject to the approval.

Note: The company shall review various parameters to pay co-applicant revenue including the visibility of co-applicant in business and it will be solely under the discretion of the company 


Upon achieving the Black Diamond Ambassador rank, a VBO shall get an opportunity to open any number of organizations parallel to their 1st and 2nd organizations which shall be called their berth organizations, where the VBO shall be eligible for 5% of the newly generated GV from each organization as Single Team Revenue (STR), which shall have a capping at 5,000 GBU on each berth organization. This revenue requires no balancing assuming that the group volume generated in the berth IDs balances with the group volume generated in the first two organizations.


1 GBU per 100 PV of the Global Business Volume (GBV) in a month shall be allocated to the Royalty. It shall be considered based on closings (Fridays) in the month. The Royalty shall be distributed among those with the highest achieved rank/performance level in the company based on the aggregate points they earn starting from Black Diamond Ambassador. Once the subsequent higher rank/performance level such as Royal, Imperial and Crown Black Diamond Ambassadors or their Platinum Performance is achieved by at least one VBO, Royalty shall be limited to that rank or performance level*.

*Paid as or Platinum performance level of Black Diamond Ambassadors or above shall earn points in the respective weeks in which higher achieved rank/s or performance level/s don’t maintain the rank or performance level same as their achieved rank or performance level. However, such points shall be nullified if the highest achieved rank or performance level is maintained for at least one week in that month.



On the first order of the immediate associates in the first and second organizations, the VBO shall be eligible for a 5% BOB*, irrespective of their sponsorship; up to a maximum of 15 GBU.

*Up to 300 PV shall be considered for BOB and the remaining, if any, shall be carried forward and get considered for DTR.  


A VBO from the rank of Star 250 and above who retails 300 PV products to customers within a period of a month shall be called a Digi Rockstar. By retailing 1000 PV, 600 PV and 300 PV in a calendar month a Digi Rockstar shall be eligible for Digi Rockstar Bonus as complimentary products worth INR 11990/-, INR 5995/- and INR 2997.50/- respectively.

– For brand-new Star 250s the volume shall be considered for this bonus only from the subsequent week of their rank achievement.
– Maximum 50 PV shall be considered from a unique customer in the month. Not applicable if products are sent to overseas customers from the company itself.
– Orders placed through Virtual Office shall not be considered.
– Even if the criteria are fulfilled prior, it shall be considered only after completion of the calendar month.


VBOs from the rank of Star 250 & above who achieve high retail sales in a month with the most authenticated sales to their customers will be rewarded with Top Retailer Bonus (TRB). A minimum of 1,000 PV must be retailed to enjoy the privilege.

1st Position: 500 GBU

2nd Position: 250 GBU

– If 2 or 3 VBOs qualify for 1st position, the sum of TRB for positions 1 & 2 shall be distributed among the qualified. If more than 3 qualifies for 1st position then products worth INR 23,980/- shall be rewarded to all the qualified VBOs. If 2 VBOs qualify for 2nd position then the TRB 2 shall be distributed among them. If 3 or more VBOs qualify for 2nd position then products worth INR 11,990/- shall be rewarded to all the qualified.
– VBOs who are qualified for 1st or 2nd position are not eligible for Digi Rockstar Bonus in the month they qualified for TRB (as per the rule of complimentary products).
– Orders placed through Virtual Office shall not be considered.
– Maximum 50 PV shall be considered from a unique customer. Not applicable for overseas orders.


Viva On The Move (VOTM) is for quick delivery of products which helps the team members & their customers to enjoy cash & carry of IndusViva products. Having a VOTM and promoting the same in the team will help in building a fast and sustainable Viva business.
A VOTM owner can earn VOTM Bonus when s/he delivers products to his/her associates and their customers as per the below criteria.
● 1000 PV and above in a week: 2 complimentary products (worth INR 5995)
● 500 PV and above but less than 1000 PV in a week: 1 complimentary product (worth INR 2997.50)
The VOTM owner can earn this by either qualifying with weekly volume or generating average weekly volume of the above-mentioned criteria.

Additional benefit:
When a personally sponsored VBO of an existing VOTM owner upgrade to VOTM, the latter shall earn VOTM Upgrading Bonus of 50 GBU.
● Star-500 and above is eligible. 
● To avail VOTM, the eligible VBO must submit a notarised affidavit in the given format.
● Approval is completely based on the discretion of the company.
● ID should be active.
● Placing VOTM order shall not activate an ID & VOTM shall be approved only if the ID is in active status. The volume above 200 PV, which is normally considered for spillover and Dual Team Revenue, is not applicable in VOTM, because this is not retail but stock products for serving through delivery.
● Orders of associates only can be assigned to a VOTM; orders of crosslines cannot be assigned.
● Handling charges are applicable for all the orders placed by the team through VOTM.
● No order is permitted to be assigned on a VOTM ID which is inactive.
● Orders will be dispatched to the VOTM owner’s shipping address usually once a week and strictly not to any other addresses.
● PCM & VOTM orders cannot be done through VOTM.
● VOTM of an ID shall be cancelled if it is inactive for 13 weeks or more.
● VBOs shall choose VOTM as the mode of delivery for the orders placed by their customers, who have given their consent while placing the order, from their VO within 12 hours from the time of order and their preferred VOTM owner by entering the ID number or selecting from the suggested list of VOTM owners who shall deliver the products to the customer.
● VOTM owner will be responsible for the distribution of products of the orders assigned to their VOTM along with a copy of the credit note generated in their virtual office.
● VOTM Bonus shall be calculated after setting off TRB/Digi Rockstar Bonus/other complimentary products eligible volume, if any, on a monthly basis.
● Averaging shall be applicable if minimum qualifying volume criteria has been fulfilled before setting off TRB/Digi Rockstar Bonus/other complimentary products eligible volume in all the weeks of a calendar month.


On achieving Ruby Executive Rank, a VBO is eligible to upgrade to the elite Presidential Club by placing a single order of 1,000 PV. A VBO gets 4 complimentary products once s/he upgrades to the presidential club.
● ID remains active with 100 PV for 12 cycles
● Products worth INR 11,990/- as complimentary
● If a VBO reactivates their presidential club membership on the week of expiry or activate on the 1st week of his/her eligibility, then s/he will get a 13 cycles activation.
● Only a Ruby Executive and above can apply
● A notarised affidavit in the prescribed format should be signed and submitted
● Approval is completely based on the discretion of the company
● Double activation of presidential club membership is not permitted


Loyalty, as the name suggests, is our token of appreciation for the consistent loyalty a customer has towards the direct sellers of IndusViva who introduce its products to him/her. If a customer places a minimum purchase order (25 PV) through the store link of a particular direct seller for 10 consecutive months*, they shall be rewarded with a complimentary product of their choice via the Loyalty Program. They can get more complimentary products by placing orders for more than 1 product every month, maximum up to 4 and the number of eligible quantities will be same as of the lowest number of products purchased in the 10 months.
● This reward is considered for 10 consecutive months. If there is any lapse in between the months, it has to be restarted from the beginning.
● Orders with the store link of a single direct seller shall be considered. They shall be disqualified if they buy from another direct seller while the previously served direct seller is active in the business.
● Orders placed through VOTM are not eligible.

*T&C Applicable


Star 250

2 complimentary products on achieving the rank through superb retailing skills 

Star 500

Boot Camp to groom them as entrepreneurs in a luxury property at Goa

Star 1000

Health insurance for VBO for one year for a coverage of INR 2 lakhs*
*Maximum age limit is 75 years. Other policy features will be as per the norms of the insurance company.

Ruby Fly-in

A tour for the Ruby Executive and default co-applicant to theatric Thailand


Pearl Premiere

A tour for the Pearl Executive and default co-applicant to magnificent Malaysia


Emerald Expedition

A tour for the Emerald Executive and default co-applicant to unmatched Uzbekistan


Sapphire Safari

A tour for the Sapphire Executive and default co-applicant to dazzling Dubai


Diamond Discovery  

A tour for the Executive Diamond and default co-applicant to spectacular Singapore and Star cruise


Executive Blue Diamond  

A tour for the VBO and default co-applicant to ravishing Russia


Executive Purple Diamond  

A tour for the VBO and default co-applicant to charming China


Executive White Diamond  

A tour for the VBO and default co-applicant to stunning South Africa

Black Diamond Ambassador  

A tour for the VBO and default co-applicant to exuberant Europe

Royal Black Diamond Ambassador  

A tour for the VBO and default co-applicant amazing Australia


Imperial Black Diamond Ambassador  

A tour for the VBO and default co-applicant to unique USA


Crown Black Diamond Ambassador  

Travel to your dream destination


● Tours are applicable only for VBO and default co-applicant. If the co-applicant is non-default, the same must be prior approved by the company.

● Rewards cannot be transferred to anyone else apart from the respective VBO and the default co-applicant.

● If the VBO is unable to avail the reward, whenever announced by the company, then it shall expire and cannot be carried forward or claimed later.

● Reward programs are available only for people who are actively pursuing the business (earning DTR) till the commencement of the reward event.

● It is the discretion of the company to decide/change the schedule of the rewards/ the reward itself and may announce any alternative reward/ destination under any unfavourable circumstance.

● The itinerary/duration of the trips shall be announced by the company and might change from time to time.

● Conveyance excluded for Star 500 reward and till the point of boarding (as announced by the company) for other international trips.

The ranks must be achieved as per the timeline mentioned below:

*All timelines are counted from the week of achievement of the previous rank not applicable till 29th March 2024 (Week #530).


Ranks are accounted by considering a number of facts: 

⦁ Personal retailing
⦁ Personal sponsoring
⦁ Achievers in the organizations
⦁ New group volume from all the organizations
Aggregate income



A VR who retails 300 PV products in a cycle*

*Conditions :

The rank can be qualified in 1 week by selling the required volume if other criteria are fulfilled. 

Maximum 50 PV shall be considered from a unique customer in the cycle. Hence, products need to be sold to 6 or more customers. Not applicable if products are sent to overseas customers from company itself.


A Star who retails 300 PV each in 2 consecutive cycles* or 600 PV in a single cycle 

*Conditions :  

Maximum 50 PV shall be considered from a unique customer in a cycle. Hence, products may need to be sold to 12 or more customers if fulfilling the criteria in a single cycle. Not applicable if products are sent to overseas customers from company itself 

Rank shall be given only on the completion of cycle/s.


An active Star 250 who has 5 personally sponsored active Stars in the qualifying week, at least one in both the organizations. 

Conditions :

The Stars should have qualified through retail criteria and be active in the qualifying week. 


An active Star 500 who has one each active Star 500 in both the organizations and earned an aggregate revenue of 1,000 GBU in the 1st order week as aggregate revenue.

Rank Critetia-Table

*Averaging is applicable for ranks from Ruby Executive to Executive White Diamond. 

Averaging = 50% of the volume criteria should be met in all the respective qualifying weeks. The total volume from the qualifying weeks should be equivalent to total volume required by the qualifying criteria weeks. 

** For a Royal Black Diamond Ambassador, 1,00,000 PV each has to be generated from 1st, 2nd and all berth organizations combined for four consecutive weeks to meet rank criteria. 

# For an Imperial Black Diamond Ambassador, 1,00,000 PV each has to be generated from 1st, 2nd and 2,00,000 PV has to be generated from all berth organizations combined for four consecutive weeks: a maximum of 1,00,000 PV from a single berth organization. 

##For a Crown Black Diamond Ambassador, 1,00,000 PV each has to be generated from 1st, 2nd and 3,00,000 PV has to be generated from all berth organizations combined for four consecutive weeks: a maximum of 1,00,000 PV from a single berth organization. 

AL: Activity Level | GV: Group Volume| ORG: No. of Organizations| MWA: Minimum Weekly Average | AR: Aggregate Revenue 


To maintain a paid as rank, a VBO has to maintain the minimum activity level and weekly volume criteria of the particular rank after achieving the same. 

Paid as STAR

Retail 75 PV in the qualifying week.

Paid as STAR-250

Retail 150 PV in the qualifying week.

Paid as STAR-500

ID should be Active and have 5 paid as personally sponsored Stars with at least one in both the organizations in the qualifying week.

Paid as STAR-1000

ID should be Active and have an active Star 500 and 750 GV on both the organizations in the qualifying week.

Paid as Ruby Executive*

ID should be at least 50 PV Active and have a minimum of 1,000 GV on both the organizations in the qualifying week.

Paid as Executive Diamond*

ID should be at least 200 PV/ PCM Active and have a minimum of 10,000 GV on both the organizations in the qualifying week.

Paid as Crown Black Diamond Ambassador

ID should be at least 200 PV/PCM Active and should have a minimum of 1,00,000 GV on five organizations in the qualifying week. Volume from berth IDs shall be considered from multiple legs with the same condition of rank qualifying.

Note: Paid as rank criteria for other Executive/Diamond/Ambassador ranks shall be to have one week volume required to achieve the respective ranks along with the respective activity level as mentioned here.

Minimum PV Required to be Active:

Star 1000 and below                             25 PV
Ruby/Pearl Executive                           50 PV
Emerald/Sapphire Executive             100 PV
Executive Diamond & Above             200 PV/PCM


This is the official Compensation Plan, Policy & Procedure and Terms & Conditions document of IndusViva, valid only in India, for the year 2024; pertaining to the business opportunity offered to Viva Business Owners. IndusViva withholds all the rights to amend or remove any of the clauses mentioned here without any notice. The company has all the rights to nullify any of the clauses, if necessary, to protect the interest of the business. Refer to for the latest updates. Any disputes, Bangalore jurisdiction only

Updated as on 30th December 2023.

Amendments - 2024

Circular 01-2024

Important Notification Regarding Business Opening Bonus 

This is to notify all that as per Compensation Plan 2024, Business Opening Bonus beyond 200 PV (up to 300 PV) shall be available from week #522.

Circular 02-2024

Important update on VOTM

This is to update all VOTM owners that while delivering VOTM orders, they should enclose a credit note that is available in the Virtual Office, along with the invoice of the respective consignment. This is to comply with the existing GST rules and regulations. If the products are carried without a credit note and their respective invoice, the law enforcement agencies may initiate necessary actions. Please note the same to avoid any further issues.

Circular 03-2024

PCM and VOTM Announcement

This is to inform you all that to avail PCM or VOTM, a scanned copy of notarised affidavit which is available in Virtual Office must be uploaded. After uploading the PCM and VOTM affidavit in the VO, the original hard copy should reach the company by post. If you fail to do this within a week, then you will not be eligible for either PCM bonus or VOTM bonus. The format should be the same as in the VO, old or any other format shall not be accepted.

Circular 04-2024

Revised criteria for Star 250, Star 500 and Digi Rockstar

This is to inform you all that w.e.f 30th March 2024 (Week #531), the rank qualification criteria for Star 250, Star 500 and Digi Rockstar are revised as follows:

– Star 250– An active Star who retails 600 PV, fulfilling the unique customer criteria (not applicable for overseas destination orders), within a minimum of 4 weeks from the week of achieving Star rank but without any maximum time limit. No more cycle applicable. 


– Star 500– An active Star who has completed the criteria of Star 250 or an existing active Star 250 who has 5 active personally sponsored Stars, at least 1 in each org. Star 500 rank can be directly upgraded from Star rank if the criteria of both Star 250 and Star 500 ranks are fulfilled in the same week. 


– Digi Rockstar– A Star who retails 300 PV in a month. 

– Digi Rockstar Bonus- By retailing 1000 PV, 600 PV and 300 PV in a calendar month a Digi Rockstar shall be eligible for Digi Rockstar Bonus (Star and above ranked VBOs only). 


Note: Since Digi Rockstar Bonus has been revised from the Star rank, there is no reward for achieving Star 250 rank.

Circular 05-2024

Timeline introduction for rank advancement

This is to inform you all that the timeline for rewards for Ruby Executives and above ranks is applicable from 30th March 2024 (Week #531). The relaxation for timeline ended on 29th March 2024 (Week #530). To achieve the rewards for the respective ranks, ranks from Ruby Executives and above need to be achieved within the timeline mentioned below. The timeline is considered from the rank advancement week of existing rank to that of the subsequent rank. If one rank is not achieved and reward is missed for the timeline, it will not affect the reward for further ranks if achieved within the timeline.

Circular 06-2024

Rewards: Star 500 and Star 1000 Ranks

This is to hereby update you that the rewards for the ranks of Star 500 and Star 1000 have been revised with immediate effect till week #569.

– Star 500 shall be eligible for Thailand tour as a special reward (Tour de Thai) by achieving the rank in 1+5 weeks

– Applicable for all the achievements fulfilling the criteria starting from week #531

– Paid as criteria for Star 500 (ID should be active and have 5 paid as personally sponsored Stars with at least one in both the organizations in the qualifying week) should be maintained till the tour commences

– All the Star 500s will be eligible for accidental insurance irrespective of reward timeline 

– Star 1000 achievers will be eligible to attend the sizzling Star Summit (week #518- #569)


Note: Boot Camp for Star 500 and Health Insurance for Star 1000 stands cancelled.

Circular 07-2024

Thai Reloaded: Important update for Star 500 and above

This is to inform you all that a contest has been rolled out for Star 500 and above VBOs. 

– Contest criteria: Sponsor 5 new VRs and qualify them for Tour de Thai by achieving Star 500 rank in 1+5 weeks 

– Contest period: Week #531- #543  

– Minimum eligible rank is Star 500  

– VBOs below Star 500 should achieve the same on or before week #543 


Circular 08-2024

Rewards Revised

With reference to Circular 06/2024, this is to inform you all that to avail the reward for Star 500, Tour de Thai, instead of maintaining the paid as criteria a Star 500 shall have 5 active personally sponsored Stars till the tour is conducted.

Circular 09-2024

Star 500 Special Reward

This is to hereby inform you about the revised eligibility criteria for the Star 500 Special Reward Thailand Tour. In addition to brand-new Star 500 achievers who achieve the rank within 1+5 weeks, this opportunity has been extended to all VBOs below the rank of Star 500 as of Week 530.

To qualify, please ensure that you meet the following criteria:

– VBOs must attain Star 500 rank by Week 536 or earlier.

– Between Weeks 531 to 536, VBOs should newly sponsor 5 VRs and elevate them to Stars. Sponsorships made before Week 531 will not be considered.


– Maintain active 5 personally sponsored Stars until the tour is conducted.

– VBOs should qualify for either the Digi Rock Star Bonus or one Business Incubator Revenue every month from June onwards until the tour is conducted.

Circular 10-2024

Star 500 Reward: Boot Camp Reinstated 

This is to inform you that Boot Camp at Goa has been reinstated as a Star 500 reward with a qualifying period until week #540 (7th June 2024). Kindly note the following details in this regard:

– VBOs who achieve the Star 500 rank on or before week #540, excluding those on the Thailand tour timeline, will be eligible for Boot Camp 4.0 at Goa.

– This is applicable for all Star 500 achievers from week #527 onwards.


– Those who achieve the Thailand tour will not be eligible for Boot Camp 4.0.

– Star 500 achievers on or before week #526 (from Boot Camp 3.0) can choose between the upcoming Star Summit in Bangalore or Boot Camp 4.0 in Goa but must confirm their choice by April 26, 2024, through Vmail by selecting the subject ‘Boot Camp’.  

– The ‘Accidental Insurance Policy’ reward for Star 500 will be applicable from week #541 and Boot Camp will not be a reward for this rank thereafter. However, the special reward of Thailand Tour for Star 500 with a 1+5 timeline will be applicable until week #569.

Circular 11-2024

Thailand Tour Announcement

This is to update you all that the VBOs who qualify for Tour de Thai as a special reward for Star 500 rank must fulfill all the other criteria to avail the reward. The criteria considered for publishing the Thailand achievers’ posters is only based on the achievement of Star 500 rank within the specific period of special reward, as in the case of 1+5 weeks or before week #536. Posters shall not entitle the respective VBO for Thailand tour, if they do not fulfill the remaining criteria as per circular 06/08/09 i.e. earning Digi Rockstar Bonus/Business Incubator Revenue and/or keeping 5 personally sponsored Stars active until the tour (for achievers in 1+5 weeks) and keeping 5 personally sponsored Stars active until the tour (for achievers before week #536).

Please note that the company will not entertain any further claims on this without fulfilling the criteria.

Circular 12-2024

Thai Reloaded: Contest for Star 500 and above

This is to inform you that the contest period for Thai Reloaded has been extended till week #556 (27th September 2024).

Criteria to achieve this contest is as follows:
– Be a Star 500 and above and get 5 sponsored Tour de Thai achievers by week #556

VBOs who achieve Tour de Thai by becoming Star 500 (in 1+5 weeks) can be eligible with co-applicant if they get 5 sponsored Tour de Thai achievers by week # 556.


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